The law of attraction is the belief that the universe creates and provides what thoughts are focused on. Many believe that it is a universal law by which ” one attracts what is .” The results of positive thinking are always positive consequences. The same is true for negative thoughts, it always leads to bad results.

But the Law of Attraction is about much more than generalizations: thinking of red Lamborghinis will bring you red Lamborghinis, every time. For believers, questioning the validity of this law is similar to heresy and blasphemy; creates religious fervor. To the uninitiated, it may seem silly to even discuss the possibility that such a law might exist.

Some time ago I wrote an article about this whose title was “Throw away your vision board. ” After a quarter of a million readings and a lot of hate through the mail, I wanted to make sure I had a deep understanding of the Law of Attraction as well. I read all the books of the lawmakers in the late 1800s and was certified as an “Advanced Practitioner of the Law of Attraction” by one of the authors of The Secret. Then I wrote “Throw away your vision board 2. ” This time the feedback was a bit more positive – I recently published the book, Throw away Your Vision Board: The Truth About the Law of Attraction.

This post summarizes 14 reasons why there is no law of attraction.

If you have a closed mind and are believed to exist regardless of the data or information to the contrary, then this article is not for you. Thank you for visiting, now you can return to the abundance of the Law of Attraction. This article is intended for those who are new to this law, those who do not know it, and those who have not been successful in using it and are open-minded and seeking answers.


  1. Metaphysical pseudoscience. Proponents of the Law of Attraction claim that it is based on scientific theory. It is, at best, metaphysical pseudoscience with conclusions based on erroneous, unfounded, and often incorrect assumptions. The list of incorrect scientific information suggested by the creators of the Law of Attraction is too long for one publication. Here are some of its scientific truths:


  1. a) Electrons have positive charges.
  2. b) In physics “the similar attracts the similar.” [Magnets?]
  3. C) Thought burns brain matter.
  4. d) Only ether (not air) conducts light and thought.
  5. e) Ether connects all minds. When two or more minds come together, “things of the mind” mix and create a third, “a mastermind.”
  6. f) Higher altitudes have more oxygen, better air to breathe.
  7. g) Vibratory sound turns more quickly into heat, then light then thought.
  8. h) The energy of thought is 40,000 Hz at 4 X 1014 Hz or higher than 7 x 1014 Hz. In reality, brain waves are slow by 1 – 100 Hz.
  9. i) The universe hears nouns, not adjectives or qualifiers, or just sees images of thoughts.
  10. j) Each thought (approximately 70,000 / day) has a specific frequency or wavelength of energy. “Thoughts” leave the brain, travel through the ether around us, and make “formless things” believe what is being thought.


Because they are important? Because these “scientific truths” form the scientific basis for the Law of Attraction.


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  1. Without purpose. Material abundance and wealth are the most important manifestations to attract. The Universe establishes the purpose of individual life. One chooses the specific goal based on wishes; not values. This is one of the reasons there is less passion driving goal completion because these are not deeply ingrained principled goals.


  1. There is no action. The only way to manifest thoughts into things is to believe and live as if the goal has already been achieved. Law of Attraction guru Esther Hicks said, “You didn’t come into this environment to create through action.” Action shows the Universe that you know you don’t have it and that you doubt its ability to manifest it for you. While it is obvious to most that action is a necessary component of goal achievement, it is completely inconsistent with a belief in a goal. Law of Attraction.


  1. There is no plan. If the best way to achieve my goals is to live as if I have already achieved them, then there is no reason to make more plans to do so! Making plans shows the universe that we doubt its ability and lack faith. The doubt is negative and then it will attract more negative and we will not get what we want. In the book The Secret, Jack Canfield proposed, “Our job is not to figure out how. … Trust that the Universe will discover how to manifest it. ” Studies show that this way of thinking results in greater short-term satisfaction but less motivation and less likelihood of achieving goals. It’s funny that Jack Canfield’s website sells a program to teach how to make an “Action Plan.”


  1. There is no date. When we live as if we have already achieved our goals, there is no reason to set deadlines. As a secret author, Rhonda Byrne put it, “It doesn’t take time for the Universe to manifest what you want.” While goal-setting research supports the importance of setting deadlines for success, Law of Attraction experts claims that it would be inappropriate to set a deadline for the universe to reach its goal.


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  1. There are no challenges. Challenges are considered negative thoughts and should be avoided. Also, if we have theoretically already achieved our goal, there could be no challenge. As Esther Hicks has stated, “Once you have recognized that thinking about what you do not want only attracts more of what you do not want in your experience, controlling your thoughts will not be difficult …” There are many benefits to achieving goals in recognizing and plan for challenges that may arise. Unfortunately, a belief in a law of attraction does not allow us to achieve this.


  1. Without compassion. We should not get involved in anything negative like charity or helping those in need. This will attract more negativity and poverty. Wallace Wattles, a founder of the Law of Attraction wrote: “Do not talk about poverty; do not investigate it or worry about it. Do not dedicate your time to charitable work, or to charitable movements, all charity only tends to perpetuate the misery it seeks to eradicate. ” and “Give your full attention to riches; ignore poverty.”


Rhonda Byrne in The Secret takes this one step further, “if you see overweight people, don’t observe them … if you think or talk about illnesses, you will get sick. What you think or what you surround yourself with, good or bad, is what you will attract for yourself. ” If you believe in the Law of Attraction, you should avoid any of the “helping or health” professions, such as a doctor, nurse, hospital worker, clergy, psychologist, police officer, paramedic, etc. Avoid Professions dealing with poor people, such as accountants, mortgage brokers, bankers, lawyers. While research shows that charitable work, empathy, and volunteering are beneficial to both giver and recipient, avoid these things if you believe in a Law of Attraction.


  1. There is no support. Since what is thought will always be attractive, we should avoid any type of support group for people with mental or physical illnesses or for people with similar experiences. Research shows that support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, Weight Watchers, or breast cancer support are beneficial. The Law of Attraction incorrectly predicts that it will make problems worse.


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  1. Nonsense. To invoke the Law of Attraction, it is necessary to continuously live in an unreal future, which will be once the goal has been achieved and you just have to visualize a successful result. This shows faith in the universe. Thinking about plans, actions and challenges are jarring and negative, so you have to skip the process and focus on the result; live without taking into account the present.


This is the definition of thoughtlessness. Being fully aware and mindful of the here and now is mindfulness and has been shown to produce powerful health and wellness benefits, such as increased life satisfaction and happiness.


  1. Blaming yourself. Since the Law of Attraction is supposed to be a perfect and universal law, positivity should ALWAYS attract more positivity. The corollary of this is that we are fully responsible for any goal that we have not successfully achieved, no matter how unrealistic the goal may be. This means that not only do we control our thoughts and actions, but also those of everyone around us… and nature. The fact is, it’s not true. Sorry to say.


  1. Blame the victim. The only reason something bad could happen is that we had negative thoughts. If someone rear-ends us in a car, it’s 100% our fault. If we have breast cancer – 100% our fault (not genetics ). If you are a victim of rape or abuse, it is 100% our fault. Children killed by terrorists, sick babies in the intensive care unit, victims of floods, hurricanes, natural disasters, the Holocaust, yes, their fault. We all know deep down how ridiculous it is to even suggest this. However, it is a basic and fundamental premise of the Law of Attraction. We NEVER attract something that we are not thinking about.


When something bad happens to someone, they are to blame. There is no need to feel sorry for anyone who has cancer or a disease or starving children in poverty, they caused it. What Causes Obesity? A slow metabolism? No, thoughts about fat. From the Law of Attraction experts, “Disease cannot live in a body that is in a healthy emotional state. (Bob Proctor).” You can’t catch anything unless you think you can, and to think you can is to invite it to you with your thought. ” (From The Secret ).


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“Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results. Suffering is always the effect of wrong thinking in some direction (James Allen). “If man only thinks thoughts of perfect health, he can cause perfect health to function within himself …” (Wallace Wattles). “Each individual creates all aspects of their experiences: we are in total control of our health throughout our entire lives. There are no accidents.” (Esther Hicks).


  1. We are not perfect. The Law of Attraction is a “perfect law” and should result in a “perfect” life. We are told that no goal is too big if you can think of it; there is no such thing as an unrealistic goal. From The Secret: “You can think of your path to perfect health, perfect body, the perfect weight, and eternal youth. You can bring it into being, through your consistent thinking of perfection.”


Reality check: Life is not perfect. It can be great, fantastic, incredible, even optimal. But perfect? It will not happen. What is the problem with this way of thinking? Why not expect perfection? Fantasizing and striving for the perfect makes us feel better in the short term, but it actually reduces our chances of achieving our goals and results in more unhappiness and blame. If you are going to have satisfaction with perfect results – perfect health, perfect body, perfect family, perfect marriage, perfect friendships, perfect children, perfect house, perfect job, perfect life; we are in a perfect disappointment. Research studies support this.


  1. Placebo effect. Placebos are inactive and ineffective substances to which a positive effect has been attributed. The higher the expectations and beliefs that something will be effective, the greater the chance of creating a positive response. A mind is a powerful tool. We can increase or decrease our heart rate and blood pressure through visualization. Some people who use the Law of Attraction have a firm belief that it will work and it does. People tend to be more successful with the Law of Attraction with smaller items they didn’t make a vision board for finding money on the street, getting a check in the mail, listening to a long-lost friend. Is it better to believe in a law of attraction than rubbing a rabbit’s foot, tossing a coin in the fountain, or tearing a chicken bone apart? You have to try it; the answer is no!


  1. Anecdotal evidence. The evidence that the Law of Attraction is an effective way to achieve goals is anecdotal, unscientific, and proven. This fact does not prove that it does not exist. But it comes under scrutiny if you want to spend time, money, and energy on something that is ineffective and potentially harmful.


People are much more likely to post successes than failures. We also practice apophenia, the belief that there is the meaning behind random data when we focus on matches without taking into account the much greater number of times we experience no matches. How many times did you think about that person and they didn’t call you? Out of the two thousand people I thought of today, only two actually called. That’s not a huge percentage: 0.1%. But if I think about it in terms of the people who called, we get a different story. I thought of Omar and he called me, that’s 100%!

When reading Law of Attraction websites and posts, it would be assumed that it could be more than 90% effective – they all seem to be achieving their goals this way. When speaking to experts dealing with the general public trying to use the Law of Attraction, there is a completely different story. The failure rate is huge! In fact, Law of Attraction expert John Assaraf estimated the success rate to be about 0.1% and we think this number is correct.

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