The basic idea was to offer classes to have a greater variety in what they can choose to play. We made a lot of changes and there’s possibly more to be made, but we tried to make whatever we felt at ease with. That’s the main thing we’ll continue to experiment with and continue to work on. Regarding Tuning, Jay can probably speak better than I do buy WoTLK Gold.

Yeah, I mean our aim for 7.1.5 was, as Adam stated, it was to study play styles or play patterns of a handful of specs we wanted alter in some way but the biggest concentration was on the potential. It was on rebalancing the talents in rows and attempting to revive under-used or unused talents and I’m convinced that we’ll see a lot of that being realized as people play with different designs on live.

It was never a intention to significantly buff and change the specs of the entire process. The sheer amount of change caused it to be inevitable that there’s plenty of variance in the beginning of the live version 7.1.5 and determining if an individual is beyond or below what they used to be or where they ought to be. It’s likely that there will be some changes coming out ahead of Nighthold.

During Legion development in the early stages, there was an enormous effort to make fantasy the primary focus to be the norm for all classes and that was everything from the rules we used on our classes to how the spell visuals were constructed to how animations were made buy WoW WoTLK Classic Gold. It was heavily linked to our combat revamp initiative which basically charged looked like a large fat charge, not, “I’m just kind of walking up to a guy.”

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