In the wide world of Old School Runescape, players will encounter a wide variety of items. One of them is Bonecrusher, which was released in the game in March 2015. You may have spent most of your time in the game searching dungeons and collecting Runescape gold, but there are a few things that are noteworthy. Bonecrusher falls into this category, so here are some facts that you may not have known before.

What is OSRS Bonecrusher?

Bonecrusher is an award in OSRS for the difficult Dziennik Morytania. The item model was originally created by a content creator known as Mod Ash. This was because the team of artists was busy with other journal entries at the time. To create it, the developer used the luminous dagger model from Legends’ Quest and used it as the basis for the creation of ?amignat.

If you have a ?amignat in your inventory and you kill a monster that drops bones, the fallen bones will be automatically crushed. This can be an advantage when the elite Morytania journal is finished as it provides a complete prayer experience. Otherwise, players receive half the experience compared to the time the bones were buried.

This can also be used on dice dropped by Hunter minions, but not on dice that are a secondary drop. Such bent and long bones cannot be used here, nor can they be dropped by Bloodvelds. However, it still has many advantages, such as those that are crushed in the Kourenda Catacombs, triggering the Restoration of Prayer effect on that area. You can also activate this effect if you wear a dragon bone necklace while crushing a bone, although it is worth noting that the two effects cannot be combined in-game. If you have a Dragonbone Necklace, you can use it with the Hydra Tail, which creates a Binder Necklace. This way you can use the combined effects of Puzzle and Dragon Bone Necklace.

Where can I find Bonecrusher?

If you want to find Bonecrusher, you can get it as a reward for the difficult Journal of Morytania. For those who don’t know, this is a series of achievements to complete in Morytania and other areas, although you must complete Priest in Peril to complete the quests. If you have the Ghostspeak Amulet, you can get another Bonecrusher in the Ectofuntus Building from Ghost Disciple.

Charging the Bonecrusher

The important thing about Bonecrusher is that you need to charge it. This is done with ecto tokens, which comes at a cost of 25 for each token used. Use one charge for each crushed bone. You will see that there are free Bonemeal and Buckets of Slime in the Morytania journal rewards that you can use to use Ectofuntus for additional costs.

So, if you want a break from crawling in dungeons, killing beasts or even selling OSRS gold and rs gold , you can learn a few things about the history behind the many items that are available in Old School Runescape. If you find yourself battling multiple die-drop enemies, there’s no doubt that the Bonecrusher will come in handy.

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