Life-size transformer sculptures. A Chinese scrapyard became a tourist attraction after the staff built Transformers from metal junk.

One day, the workers at a scrapyard in China recently decided to get creative with all the metal junk lying around by building a giant Transformer statue.

And when the life-size replica of the popular Autobot  started attracting the attention of visitors and passers-by, they decided to keep going.

The team built over 40 Transformers in four months, which have now become tourist attractions in their own right.

Transformer Sculptures

The scrapyard where the Transformers are on display is located on a remote farmhouse on top of a hill, in Jinan City, Eastern China’s Shangdong Province.

As you travel closer to the hill, the sight of these giant action figures in the middle of nowhere is arresting.

Transformer Sculptures

And once you get there, it’s quite amusing to see the pigs at the farm live happily among the inanimate Transformers.

21-year-old Li Hung, a part-time worker at the yard, built the very first Transformer.


Transformer Sculptures

The PR and marketing student said he wanted to make something ‘eye-catching’ using discarded parts.

“I thought if people could see something spectacular made from junk, it would highlight what we do here and we could get more customers,” he said.

Li was right.

Transformer Sculptures

The robot became immensely popular, winning a lot of praise from locals.Inspired by the response, Li decided to make a second robot, and this time his colleagues pitched in as well.

And they haven’t stopped since.



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