Here is a good place to start if you’re looking for acting audition tips. It’ll give you a few things to consider,  but just consider this a starting point though.

Acting auditions can broken down into roughly three sections, The Preparation, The Performance and The Result. We’ll look at all three which will give you enough ideas to make you a little more relaxed about the whole process.

The Preparation

Preparation, as any job interview book will tell you, is essential.

  • Do as much research as you can – be it the character you’re going to play, the director, the company or even the writer. It will show thoroughness and dedication that can be the deciding factor in your favor.
  • Make sure you know your monologues by heart. You should practice them out loud in front of a variety of people to get as many opinions as possible. You may find it useful to record yourself (video or audio). This will give you the chance to evaluate your own performance from a slightly different perspective.
  • Get yourself ready for the audition by practicing in front of a ‘panel’. When you then go for the actual audition you will have more confidence because it will not be your first time.
  • Know exactly where the location of the interview is, how long it’s going take to get there and arrive early. This will allow you to relax and find a place to warm up.

You could be hanging around for a long time so take a book, some water and food or something like an ipod to keep you relaxed and occupied.

When in the audition environment it pays dividends to be respectful to everyone. Remember, todays’ rival actor could be the tomorrow-hot-new-director. Don’t be intimidated by the other actors auditioning with you. They will be just as nervous as you are. Even if they appear cocky that doesn’t make them a better actor than you!

The Performance

First impressions count! So be confident, positive  and friendly when you enter the audition room. It may be helpful to remind yourself that these people in front of you are on your side – they actually want you to be great! It’s good to be as open and personable as possible because you want the director to want to work with you personally as well as professionally and any advantage is an advantage.

Try to keep any questions you may have to a minimum. They are busy people and too many questions can seem overly ingratiating.

Your initial monologue should not really be more than two minutes long! Have more monologues prepared, though, to show your range and diversity. Also have a longer monologue prepared, just in case the Director requests it.

The director may ask you to re-read after direction. So good listening skills are important. It’s better to ask questions at this point than to assume that you know what the director wants. Accepting direction also requires flexibility, so don’t stick too tightly to the same old way you’ve done the reading in the past.

The Result

No article on acting audition tips would be complete without a word or two about rejection.

As you have read, there are many ways that you can improve your chances of getting a role. But most actors will get turned down for most jobs most of the time. You could do all of the above and more and still be overlooked, but you should not take this as a comment on your ability. It just indicates that the casting panel thought that someone else was more suitable to that particular role at that particular time.

If you do get called back for a second audition then well done!

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