Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is more important than ever in an age of increased expectations of brands to cater to customer needs.

Consumers no longer consider the online shopping experience as an alternative to the high street, they expect a tailored experience, to feel they’re given the red carpet roll-out when they purchase online.

Brands can’t ignore these shifts in buying trends and are understanding the importance of optimizing and personalizing the online experience. From the landing page through the shopping cart and onto that all-important purchase, a website must offer the most seamless and engaging experience possible.

Through improved web design, aesthetics, and a number of tools at your disposal, you have the opportunity to convert site visitors to loyal customers. Read on to discover how to implement CRO personalization on your own site.

Why is CRO personalization important?

Conversion rate optimization is the foundation of a brand’s digital marketing efforts, the best way to bring site visitors to the places that matter. Whether you desire to drive traffic to your e-commerce site and funnel visitors to the purchase stage, or if you’re more concerned with increasing subscription numbers for your mailing list or registry, CRO is unavoidable.

The digital landscape is changing, and customers are increasingly assumptive when it comes to how a brand tailors its online experience. As data analytics grows in scale and can reveal more information about a consumer than ever before, customers who are aware of this expect to see this personalization in action.

How to implement CRO personalization on your own site

Besides improving the design of your site, there is a process to follow to effectively optimize your conversion rates through personalization. Think of it as a science experiment – there are comparable stages, from research through to observation and tests and revisions.

There are services out there that will carry out this process for you and feedback on their results so you can implement the changes, but it is also possible to do it yourself.

Conduct research

The first step to affecting customer behavior on your site is to determine the result you desire. For many, this will be a purchase, but for others, optimizing the conversion rate is intended to lead to increased subscribers, downloads, or registration numbers.

Whatever it may be, there will be a number you can track. From there, you can calculate the percentage of site visitors that are converted to customers. This will help determine how you’ll go about boosting this rate.

At this stage, you can also outline a hypothesis, based on how you predict visitors will react to your implemented changes.

Time to test

The best way to go about conducting tests on your site is to use one tool at a time. After an established amount of time, you can deduce which tools are effective and which ones aren’t.

Some CRO tools you can include on your site:

● Site content – blog posts, catchy headings, and articles.
● Social proof – customer reviews and testimonials
● Site design – improved aesthetic, images, videos, and overall layout
● Optimized navigation – simplify how customers find their way around your site, clear menus and tabs.

Analyze the results

Now it’s time to refer back to your predictions and notice similarities or differences. Were you correct in your hypothesis?

Compare all the tools you used on your site and determine the effect each had on the conversion rate. This could take time so be patient, especially if you don’t have a large sample size of traffic to work with at first. Also, don’t be too quick to jump to conclusions.

Hopefully, you saw some improvements and can now improve your CRO digital marketing strategy.



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